Combative Workshops/Blade Stick Empty Hand
MDW focus workshops concentrate on specific tactical challenges, recognition skills, understanding, and developing attributes to effectively deal with these challenges.
MDW Focus workshops range from a half-day to a full two days training.
To join us on any of our MDW Focus workshops keep a lookout on our upcoming events (Facebook and upcoming events listing) or if you would like to host an MDW Focus workshop and get a group of 8-20 people together and make a booking for your club or organisation.
Our Popular Blade Focus Workshops
If you are going to think of surviving edged weapon attacks, you better understand the capabilities and edged weapon gives an assailant.
This is a great class for people new to edged weapons work but experienced martial artists will also find value by discovering how various pressures in combat affect your skillset selection on a moment-to-moment basis. Many of the skills learned during blade on blade skills provide a sound platform for empty hand counters to edged weapon attacks. By understanding this, it will better prepare you for dealing with bladed attacks and provide you with insight as to the effectiveness of using the blade as an emergency survival tool.
Course Content
- Threat recognition skills and fight precursors
- Using a blade
- Countering attacks
Weapon Access and retention under pressure are a priority in an environment where close-quarter attacks are commonplace. Losing your weapon to attackers is a real threat for those that do not prepare for this type of confrontation.
Course Content
- Understanding close-quarter threats and embedding threat recognition skills.
- Safety and handling skills required for extreme close-range
- Weapon access and retention while under attack.
Grappling is an effective one-on-one skill yet going to the ground with an opponent in the chaos of combat needs to be countered at all costs. Should you be taken to the ground or fall your priority is to utilize your weapons to ensure you get back on your feet as quickly as possible and regain mobility.
Course Content
- Recognising and countering takedowns -staying on your feet.
- Recovering from falls
- Understanding positioning and orientation on the ground
- Weapon (blade/ handgun) access and retention on the ground
- Getting back on your feet
Facing edged weapons when empty-handed is a huge challenge and requires a real understanding of the dynamics of what appears to be chaos. In this workshop, we guide you through a framework of recognising and dealing with the various pressures and methods of attack that you may encounter in an edged weapon confrontation.
Course Content
- Hold ups
- High pressure and shank attack (Countering the grab and Stab)
- Fluid and mobile attacks
The MDW Dusters and Daggers course guides you through the core skills to utilize these tools as individual weapons as well as the synergistic power of using them in combination.
Regardless of your background, these skills are easy for beginners to learn and easy to integrate with FMA, other martial arts, and boxing.
What will you cover?
- Carry and access
- Core attributes and application of knuckle dusters and punch daggers
- Combinations, drills, and timing
- Integration with empty hand boxing skills
- Grab and controls
This is an attributes course focused on power striking and coordination drills for the single and double stick. Although primarily not a combat focus course, course participants will gain an understanding of the combat application of the skills they develop on this course
Course Content
- Singlestick power striking and counters
- Double stick striking combinations
- Working solo
- Working with a partner
- Co-ordination drill striking vs combat targeting
Seminars and workshops are great exposure and skill builders but if you would like to maintain consistency and fill in the gaps joining regular classes with an official MDW trainer is the way to go. Check out our trainer’s page and or find out if you have an MDW trainer in your area.
Knife Proof Carry
Facing edged weapon attacks is an ever-present and growing threat to law-abiding citizens and law enforcement officers all around the world. The MDW Knife proof programs are focused on providing easy-to-understand, easy-to-implement lifesaving skills when facing a knife-wielding attacker/s. The programs are presented in modules that focus on carefully selected critical skills that can make an immediate positive difference to surviving edged weapon threats.
Civilian and Law enforcement courses.
Because of different objectives and mandates The MDW Knife proof programs are separated into Civilian and Law enforcement courses.
MDW Knife proof for Civilians Programs
The Civilian 1 program focuses on developing a survival mindset to recognise, understand, avoid and deal with criminal approaches and violent, random attacks in public spaces. Course participants are guided through a process of effective decision-making when confronted with these scenarios. They will learn to use their environment and everyday items to their advantage in instances where they are confronted with an edged weapon attack.
Managing distance is key to avoiding edged weapon attacks but this is not always possible. MDW’s Knife Proof Civilian 2 course focuses on countering-edged weapon attacks when your attacker has managed to grab you while trying to stab you.
The MDW Knife Proof -Civilian 3 program focuses on criminal approaches and deals with edged weapon threats and muggings.
Hold-ups imply that you have been ambushed and the criminal has chosen not to attack you directly but rather use their blade presentation and actions to get you to give something up or move you. Their follow-up intentions and actions may be varied once they have what they wanted. Course participants will be guided through the decision-making of how and when to comply, and how and when to counter and escape.
MDW Knife Proof for Law Enforcement Officers
The MDW Knife Proof LEO -1 is a combination of the MDW Civilian Knife Proof 1&2 Programs but differs in approach because security and law enforcement officers are mandated to engage suspects, protect civilians or resolve situations such as domestic disputes.
This program focuses on developing a mindset to recognize, understand, avoid and deal with, criminal approaches and or violent random attacks in public spaces. Course participants are guided through a process of effective decision-making when confronted with these challenging scenarios. They will learn to use their environment and everyday items to their advantage against edged weapon threats to their safety.
Managing distance is key to avoiding edged weapon attacks but this is not always possible. MDW Knife Proof LEO -1 program focuses on countering-edged weapon attacks when your attacker has managed to grab you while trying to stab you. Course participants learn to recognize how variations of the attacks are executed and how they can be countered.
Effective use of the tactical baton and OC (pepper spray) when dealing with edged weapon threats
Law enforcement and security officers will have to engage individuals/attackers that present edged weapons threats. Knife Proof 2 -Law enforcement will utilize individual and small team tactics to, effectively employ issued equipment (tactical baton and OC Spray) to manage and stop these threats.
MDW Knife Proof LEO-3 program emphasizes weapon access retention and shoots or no-shoot decision-making while under attack by edged weapon assailants. This program can be presented as dry solely as a dry fire (blue gun). Departments may select the extended program (2 days) that integrates live-fire exercises.
MDW Knife Proof LEO-3 dry fire or blue gun training program (half-day)
MDW Knife Proof LEO-3 integrated live-fire program (2 days)
The MDW Knife Proof LEO-4 Arrests and restraints program emphasizes officer safety and effective use of force options when officers are faced with suspects armed with edged weapons. Structured approaches, positioning, verbal commands, distance, and contact management are critical to successful arrests to minimise risks to an officer’s safety.
Many of our clients require customised or extended courses suited to their unique circumstances. If you are interested in Customised or individualised training programs message us to arrange a meeting to develop a training program just for you or our group.
To host an MDW Workshop, Premium Workshop, and or Private Training please download our inquiries form – complete it and send it through to us.
MDW is proud to have many healthy mutually beneficial relationships with like-minded organisations in the same or related fields. Please visit their sights and check out what they have to offer. (Click on the logo to be directed to their sites)
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